Saturday, July 22, 2017

Hen Pecks

So who is the top of the roost? That is the question in this house. Justin and I are tired. The hen pecks don't seem to quit. Yesterday we went for much of the day without too much bickering. But then at 5pm it exploded waiting for the taxi after a day at the pool. We are told that these next few weeks will be bad as they all figure out where their place is in the family group. But it is getting very very wearisome. I know all kids fight, but these guys do it about 20 times more than "normal" families, along with test all of Justin and my boundaries to figure out what is okay and not okay in our family system.  It is six days into our new family. I want to go home to stability and peace, more household space and establish a routine. Not being able to communicate and talk them down out of the bickering is probably the hardest part.

This morning Petra woke up shaking in fear from a nightmare. I held her and she did not want to be let go. This morning Donka came and laid her head on my lap and cuddled for many minutes. Bonding is happening, and it is good.

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