Saturday, July 22, 2017

Getting Gypped

Ever heard the term, getting gypped? Where does it come from? All gypsies are thieves and dirty, right? This prejudice is disgusting and very alive in Bulgaria. Our kids have darker skin than most of the Bulgarians in Sofia. Because of that they get stares, scowls, people move away from them on buses and park benches, and other children attack them. Seriously. Being here causes me to highly appreciate the tranquility of race and culture in America. Even through all the current turmoil surrounding race back home, America is a gift to the world and a beautiful place where the average American believes we are all created equal with the same rights. From the children's psychologist to the waiting room mother, to the kids on the street, too many of Sofia's population look and talk to my children as if they are dirty. There is no place for them to break out of the mold here.  Coming to America even just for the simple sake of being given a fair, unadulterated chance to be equal with their neighbor, is a massive reason to get my beautiful little gypsies out of Bulgaria.

The children taunt each other, "Sygani, sygani." I communicated to Penka the other day that in America sygani (gypsy) is not bad, but it is good; I like that she is a gypsy. I told her that in America there are all different kinds of people. Yesterday I picked up enough of the language to understand she was reiterating this to the other children.

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