Wednesday, October 26, 2016


We are officially moved! Justin got the last load of stuff from the garage at the old house last night. I cleaned the old house top to bottom Sunday and Monday afternoons. We gave the new tenants keys yesterday morning. Phew! That was a marathon and my back is achy and tired. For some reason, it seems we have accumulated a lot more belongings in the last two years than we had previously and it was not an easy move. Now to work steadily at unpacking the boxes that are still stacked in the garage at the new place. New flooring on the main level comes within a week or two covering exposed subfloors. It will be beautiful.

Good news on the adoption front, our application is expected to be reviewed tomorrow at noon in the Bulgarian courts. This is sooner than anticipated! We had a conference call with our social worker two weeks ago in which she explained more of the process. At that point, she said the review process would take 1-3 months and we could expect to travel the first time, not in November as anticipated but more like January. Having this court date tomorrow is a good sign that we may be able to go sooner than later. This may not be the only court date, it may just be the beginning. Our anticipation is high but, expectation low.

Miriam's emotions have significantly stabilized, although she is still struggling with all the upheaval and change and lack of significant fun social outings. I have started her on taking niacin, a B vitamin which is good for mood changes. I think this has helped along with Justin and I making sure we relax and go have fun with her. God has given me a very social being in that girl. She and I are complete opposite personalities for which I am thankful although I have to continually look through her glasses to understand. She gets us out and causes us to examine our extreme goal orientation. Sometimes we just need to go play a little! Cross country is over. This week she starts city marimba band and also we start a homeschool co-op on Friday. Hopefully, these will help to balance homeschool and social adventures.