Friday, August 18, 2017

A Reminder for Today

Firm and kind (gentle). Not firm and rough. Petra especially is sensitive to mistreatment and Penka needs good examples toward gentle discipline. This is easier said than done, but when redirecting, roughness is never the answer. "Man's anger does not produce the righteousness of God." "Share in the suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus....An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules." "On her tongue is the law of kindness...she extends her hands to the needy," I tell these verses to myself regularly..... These kids are wearing on me. When they are not listening, Crystal, take their hand gently and firmly and guide them in the correct way.

Children are a Blessing

My Mother-in-Law posted this on Facebook. I can't agree more. It strikes a deep chord with me because I did not understand this concept until Miriam was around age 5. I was finding myself too focused on her bad habits when she actually was a super sweet, cute, kind, generous, and spunky little girl. As soon as I started talking to myself of her goodness, low and behold she became more that person and started losing her bad habits quickly. Like your children mothers. Focus on who God made them! Know they are children and they will grow out of their childish behavior. The more you think on them the good, the more and faster they become that good little person. 

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Having the 4 older adopted kids I am finding this is a very real issue for me currently also. Something I know from past experience is that every child has something unique and lovable in their persons even if it is clouded by negative behavior (which the negative is hard to love/like). But it is so important to remind yourself of who the special child is in your own mind and out loud regularly because this gets translated to the child through Mom and Dad's actions and words. These 4 adoptees are no exception. 

Here is a list I wrote for my refrigerator just a couple days ago of things I can do to remind me easily of ways to bond and share "happy times" together. It is pretty basic, but might be helpful to some other moms none-the-less. 

Read Books
Board games
Lotion Massages
Hair Combing
Trampoline Jumping
Walks to the Park
Bake Cookies Together
Bike Rides Together
Roller Skating Together
Tickle Fights