Friday, December 9, 2016

We have our travel plans booked and will be heading out in just two weeks from now to Europe. This last month has been busy with expectation and this last week we have been trying to set bookings internationally. Things are shaping up and we are overly excited! 

Chanukah in Paris
December 24th-31st we will land in Paris and spend the week of Chanukah there, and enjoy Paris style Christmas and Chanukah festivities. 

December 31st we will be headed to Sophia, Bulgaria to celebrate New Years. We were recommended New Year's eve in Sophia by our placement agency. She told us they celebrate it different than in America and it is very festive. Christmas in Bulgaria goes December 25th through January 7th. This year's holidays will truly be a multi-cultured event for us. In Sophia, we will stay a week and visit Sophia's sites and do some shopping (things are cheap in Bulgaria). We are hoping to go up to a Bulgarian ski resort-Bansko for a few days. 

January 9-13th we get to meet the children in Plovdiv. The agency has a program for us to go through. There is an activity schedule or itinerary set up for us in order to help bonding go smoothly with the children.

January 14th we head home.

I feel very spoiled in the timing of this trip. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect trip than to spend the week of Chanukah in Paris full of lights and experience an eastern New Year and Christmas.  And as an extra bonus, because of Justin's mandatory days off for the holidays we get to spend a third week in Europe. It is working out beautifully. 

Stay tuned for travel photos.


  1. Woohoo! What a fun experience, I'm excited for you guys! :D

  2. You are going to love Europe this time of year! So happy for you!!!

    1. Thanks Amber. We are definitely excited. It may just wet my appetite for big-city Chanukahs. :)

  3. I am excited for you all just hearing about your travel plans and having multiple cultural holidays. I can't wait to see pictures, and especially of the kiddos!

    1. I can post pictures on here of the kids when the adoption is finalized. The adoption will be official in between the first and second trips, before we go the second time to bring them home. I can show you pictures privately though. And I will try to take as many as I can.

  4. We are so excited for you all! We would enjoy seeing pictures when you can share. We will enjoy the pictures of your trip also as you see new lands and people!
