Thursday, December 22, 2016


I recall a story of a Christian man on a plane sitting with another man from a foreign country. The foreign man said to the American, "There is something I don't understand about you Americans. That is, where does this American charity come from? Why do you want to help others in need? There is so much need in the world, but what makes you want to help? I do not understand." I think it is a thought that is foreign to someone who is unfamiliar with the nature of our Heavenly Father and not raised in a Judeo-Christian culture. The Bible, over and over says that God is very concerned with the downtrodden, the orphan, the person who cannot defend himself. These people are close to God's heart and he looks after them. This thought process has been passed down generationally here in America even if we do not know where it comes from. We are very blessed to claim it as American (although it is not only American of course). Justin was asked today from an Indian co-worker why we would think of doing what we are doing? Why adopt in this manner, an older sibling not part of our extended family? Why do we care? The simple answer is that God cares. He cares very much. God has placed his Spirit inside us who believe. That Spirit also causes us to care and willingly (and joyfully) choose to be our Heavenly Father's hands and feet, even at the expense of our own vain luxury and convenience.

James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Psalm 68:6 "God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing."

Deuteronomy 10:17-19 "For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes. He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt. Fear the Lord your God and serve him."

Psalm 9:8 "But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish."

I could go on. There are probably hundreds of verses applicable.

1 comment:

  1. We all will be holding group family prayer sessions throughout this next 10 days. We all are so excited for this next step in your lives. You will be covered in love and praying by many!
