Monday, December 19, 2016


We "get in the tube" as Justin likes to put it in just a few days. There are a few items of serious prayer to communicate.

  • Pray for safety in all of the travel and especially through the holidays in Paris concerning recent Islamic attacks. We plan on attending some of the large Jewish gatherings which pose a significant risk in France these days. As many others have expressed, the story of Hannukah is about not allowing current culture or ruling authorities to scare the believer into not obeying the Torah. 6,000 people showed up at the lighting of the menorah at the Eiffel Tower last year. (See the picture from my last post.) The traditional lighting was supposed to be canceled because of recent terrorist activities, but the people of Paris said "Heck No!" And I say, good for them. I am honored and looking forward to witnessing it again this year. But, it is a little scary. We are supposed to "stay away from large gatherings of any type" concerning recent terrorist attacks. It is a real concern. Please pray for us as we enjoy Paris and the Parisians' celebrations.
  • Please pray we can get around Bulgaria efficiently with no mishaps in a Balkan region. We can't read or speak the language. Justin is planning on getting an international driver's permit to keep in his back pocket just in case we decide it is okay to rent a car. We have a solid 9 days of sight seeing to do and it would be nice to have freedom. Otherwise, we will be using a taxi, or bussing everything. Bulgaria is a very safe region. It is probably even safer these days than Paris because the government there is no-nonsense concerning immigrants. They don't let just anyone in. The biggest dangers in Bulgaria are simple theft and perhaps other money schemes. Otherwise, it is fairly safe concerning physical danger.
  • Pray we stay healthy. It is flu season, and all the more with traveling and on airplanes.
  • Pray for our introduction and bonding time with the children. This is the number one item for prayer. We want to set the transition period up nicely for them to seamlessly bond with us. Remember, they will be losing their foster homes where they have lived now for two or three years. I am sure they are thoroughly bonded with their families. Experiencing the loss of significant attachments in a person's life is the number one difficult thing to have to go through, for anyone. This is not a trite task. These children will be losing a huge portion of their lives and there will be significant grieving. So yes, a good transition is crucial and this trip is the beginning. 
Thank you, everyone, for your support and prayers. We are feeling encouraged and loved these days. I will post as many pictures as I can while traveling. If you want to be on my private adoption mailing list, please shoot me an email and let me know. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a concise listing of your needs! I can print this and lift these before the Lord daily! I am so excited about your journey! The Lords face is shining on you as you step out in faith to serve Him. When I pray about this, I hear the same message, " If they do not love my orphans, who will?" Visiting widows and orphans in their distress, is what He calls us to. You took the charge seriously! Love ❤️ you all!
